I’m a licensed Clinical Psychologist specializing in anxiety/stress and disordered eating. At a young age, I internalized the messages of perfectionism, restriction, and self-sacrifice, thinking they were prerequisites for my future success and happiness. It wasn’t until my early 30’s that I came to realize I had to find another way of being in the world.
During my postdoctoral residency, which was incredibly challenging, I personally experienced the impact chronic stress can have on the human body and mind. These physical and emotional challenges I experienced provided the impetus for my immersion into mindfulness, self-compassion and acceptance-based approaches to healing.
My own decade long struggle with food and body prompted me to become a Certified Eating Psychology Coach through the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, and I’m dedicated to helping others relate to their bodies, eating, and exercise in an empowering way.
My work is grounded in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), a mindfulness-based approach to helping people actively build lives that are meaningful to them. ACT is not about getting rid of painful thoughts or feelings, it’s about learning to life fully even when pain is present.
While it isn’t always convenient, I’m committed to living what I teach. I will never ask a client to live in a way, or do something, that I’m not already living or doing. It’s so easy as the “teacher/coach/psychologist” to see what other people could be doing to live a life of meaning, purpose and value. It’s much harder to live that life.
This is why my own self-care is essential to my work and I take it seriously. Taking care of myself allows me to be fully present with you and to bring my healthiest, most effective self into our work together. I keep my client load small in an effort to have time each week to reflect on the work I’m doing, to plan, to continue my learning via reading, retreats, seminars and workshops, to consult with colleagues, and to attend to my own emotional and physical needs through a variety of means such as meditation, exercise, therapy and social connection.
This is where I see so many people struggling, especially those of us in the helping professions. We so quickly forget that the heart must feed itself first. We say we care about our health, and connection and intimacy and family, but are we living in a way that would suggest these are our values? If you say you care about health, but your schedule doesn’t allow you time to walk, cook, play and connect, maybe you need to rethink the value system you are living….
My life radically changed the day I stopped saying one thing and doing another. The costs of living a divided life are way too high. I encourage you to see what happens in your life when you start to live your values, instead of just mouthing your values. It’s much easier said than done, and it’s an intentional decision every day that I have to make, but gosh, is it everything.
Dr. Jasmine Bradley
Grounded. Relaxed. Psychologically flexible.
Dr. Jasmine Bradley is a licensed Clinical Psychologist. She received her undergraduate degree (B.A. in Psychology) in 2002 from Williams College, in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Dr. Bradley went on to earn her Masters in Sport Psychology (2009) and Doctorate (2011) in Clinical Psychology.
Dr. Bradley has over 15 years of coaching and psychotherapy experience.
During her postdoctoral residency, which had a focus on Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Based Approaches to Psychological Wellbeing, Jasmine personally experienced the impact chronic stress can have on the human body and mind. Her own challenges provided the impetus for her immersion into mindfulness, self-compassion and acceptance based approaches to well being.
Dr. Jasmine Bradley strives to support others in uncovering the health, vitality and strength that lies within. She works with others as they develop healthier ways of relating to internal (thoughts and feelings) and external (others/life situations) events.
An integrative approach directs Dr. Jasmine Bradley’s work, including acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and mindfulness and self-compassion-based techniques for healthier living. She supports those struggling with stress, disordered eating, relationships, work, athletics, adjustment, loss and trauma. Jasmine enjoys giving keynotes and speaking at conferences.
Jasmine is relaxed and her attention is kind. She provides lecture series and programs for businesses or teams. She is happy to tailor a program specific to your needs.I’d love the opportunity to help. You can find more at: www.drjasminebradley.com, or email me at jasmine@drjasminebradley.com