Coach DirectoryCertified Eating Psychology

- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
Susan Payne - Your Life In Balance

- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
I aim to help people bring balance into their lives and improve their relationship with food and life in general. Navigating all of life's ups and downs can be especially challenging at times. Along with being certified as a Mind Body Eating Coach, I am also an Intuitive Reiki Master. I can help you overcome those self-defeating patterns that hold you back from achieving your goals! Email me today to schedule a free 15 minute consultation.
Contact Details:
(609) 556-9797
Claymont, Delaware, United States

- Body Image
- Digestion
- Immunity
- Stress Management
- Women
Abi Denyer-Bewick - Nutrition For Change

- Body Image
- Digestion
- Immunity
- Stress Management
- Women
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
I have supported clients in my role as a Nutritional Therapist since 2009, completing my Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice in 2011. Through my experience working with clients, teaching yoga and my degree in Psychology and Counselling, deepening my understanding of mind-body nutrition was a natural extension to my work. I am truly passionate about our innate ability to heal as humans and love nothing more than working with people to uncover this potential. I am keen to share with you the tools to empower yourself and fully engage with life in this body, as it is right now! If you are experiencing food challenges then together we can explore them, in a space of unconditional acceptance. We may even discover the gifts they have to offer! I am currently completing training as a menstruality educator to further inform the work I do with women.
Contact Details:
07708 546925
Hassocks, West Sussex, United Kingdom

- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Men
- Weight Loss
- Women
Abigail Ladd - Abigail Ladd Coaching

- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Men
- Weight Loss
- Women
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
I have struggled with disordered eating, self-hate and the pain of living in a larger body most of my life. I tried every diet on the market to try and make my body conform to a arbitrary ideal. All I found on that journey was more pain, less satisfaction and less happiness. Through the ideas of Dynamic Eating Psychology, Mind Body Nutrition and a lot of self-reflection. I have learned to love myself, my body and nourishing myself in every sense of the word. Now, I am inspired to share what I have learned with others and support them through their challenges with grace and understanding.
Contact Details:
(617) 875-8821
Chester, Vermont, United States

- Body Image
- Business Mentoring
- Busy Professionals
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
Aditi Nirvaan

- Body Image
- Business Mentoring
- Busy Professionals
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Nutritive Psychology Coach, Mindfulness Trainer, Holistic Therapist specialising in Shadow Work, Relationships, Mind-Body-Eating, Finding your Purpose and Awakening.
Contact Details:
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

- Body Image
- Busy Professionals
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Exercise and Fitness
Adriana Giraldo - Consciousness2Wellness

- Body Image
- Busy Professionals
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Exercise and Fitness
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
My passion is reinventing "Wellness." Why you may ask? Because Wellness and Health are not about reaching a fitness goal. It is about accepting ourselves from the inside out. It is very hard to control the mind with the mind. When our mind isn't where we want to be, that's when we need to look into our body, AND we want to use our BODY to SHIFT our MIND
Contact Details:
(404) 500-6886
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
Adriana Gourian - Adriana Gourian
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
I work with people who have challenges around weight, binge eating, body image and a number of health concerns such as digestion, fatigue, mood issues, and more. I am trained in a highly unique and results oriented holistic approach to eating issues that integrates nutrition and psychology. In addition, I'm a Reiki practitioner, which is an energy healing method that can assist in the body's natural healing processes to develop emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Completing the Psychology of Eating Certification Program, I was able to heal my own personal body image issues, digestion issues, and binge eating issues. I have tried so many diets in the past and tried to workout all the time but I couldn't remain consistent because I always felt tired so as a result, I failed time and time again. Completing this program change my life as well as others I've personally helped out.
Contact Details:
(818) 355-2014
Woodland Hills, California, United States
Adriana Zangarini
- Digestion
- Immunity
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
- Women
- In Person
- Video/Skype Sessions
Acompaño a mujeres mayores de 40 años a crear un plan de acción personalizado para perder peso para siempre, lo que les permite recuperar su poder personal y retomar las riendas de su vida. ¿Quieres perder peso físico, mental y emocional? Te apoyo personalmente a lograrlo Obtén una sesión privada aquí Learn more about Adriana by checking out her article on our Coaches' Blog here: Adriana Zangarini Coach en Pérdida de Peso (Weight Loss Coach) Personal Story
Contact Details:
Madrid, Spain
Agi Szerencses
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Exercise and Fitness
- In Person
- Video/Skype Sessions
I have been struggling with various eating challenges and body image issues for the last 20 years. I have tried and experienced several methods and ways on how to overcome these, and I have also wanted to become a Mind Body Eating certified coach to be able to help others as well. My main goal is to guide people with the same problems to understand and acknowledge the issues and help them move upper and upper on a recovery spiral.
Contact Details:
Budapest, Hungary
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Children and Teens
- Digestion
- Weight Loss
Ahvanya Sharma - Ahvanya Sharma
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Children and Teens
- Digestion
- Weight Loss
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
My name is Ahvanya Sharma and I am a chef and a mind, body, eating coach. I work with people to help heal their deep-rooted food and body challenges through awareness and consciousness. I use a holistic approach which touches all aspects of life; relationships, professional and personal. With the help of eating psychology, Ayurvedic therapies, breathing techniques, mediation and distant energy healing (PRANIC HEALING), I will help you restore your health and have a healthy relationship with food and body.
Contact Details:
New Delhi, India
Ailine Bernal - Ailine Bernal
I am holistic health coach who helps women break free from diets, love and accept themselves and honor their body's innate wisdom. I believe that everything is energy and incredible things can happen when we eat intuitively and consciously; for most of us that's just the beginning of a great awakening in the journey towards reaching our greatest self. I love to cook, never sacrificing flavor for nutrition, so that my clients will entirely experience the pleasure good food brings. I consider health coaching my mission in life. I can't wait to help more women to bring out their light. #EatHealShine
Contact Details:
(786) 400-5086
Miami, Florida, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Exercise and Fitness
- Women
Aimee Gibson
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Exercise and Fitness
- Women
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
After years of suffering from poor body image, binge eating/emotional/overeating and digestive issues I found The Institute for the Psychology of Eating and my life was changed for the better. I want to share my learning with others to help them achieve the peace with their body that I have. We all deserve to love the skin we are in!
Contact Details:
(519) 709-8656
London, Ontario, Canada
- Busy Professionals
- Children and Teens
- Exercise and Fitness
- Vegetarian/Vegan Health
- Women
Aisha Rodrigue - Aisha rodrigue the real me
- Busy Professionals
- Children and Teens
- Exercise and Fitness
- Vegetarian/Vegan Health
- Women
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
life coach, change in habits, professional dancer and trainer, speaker, passionate about human holistic transformation and wellness.
Contact Details:
Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Busy Professionals
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
- Women
Ajda Pulko - NutriSoma Center
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Busy Professionals
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
- Women
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
As a Food Scientist and Nutritionist with a huge interest for human psychology I am combining the knowledge of mind body eating, stress and trauma releasing in my holistic, mind-body oriented service. I offer extraordinary coaching service to busy individuals and corporates. As a Food Technologist I offer plant based product development and recipe solutions for companies and start-ups.
Contact Details:
3 (864) 024-0624
Komenda, Slovenia, Slovenia
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Busy Professionals
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
Akane Gushiken - Sphere - Fitness & Eating Psychology
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Busy Professionals
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Annie, as her clients like to call her is proficient in both languages Portuguese and English. She has been a Fitness and Health Professional for many years and is a Certified Eating Psychology Coach. She has helped and guided many clients on their journey to change their life through improving their life style, fitness level, weight management and eating habits, and her background as a Pharmacist gives her a better understanding of physiology and body chemistry. If you feel confused by trying so many different diet programs, products and experts and still asking yourself "What is wrong with me?" She will help you to understand that "There is nothing wrong with you!" These are the areas she can help you with: poor digestion; fatigue; mood swing; stress; body image issue; weight; binge or compulsive eating, overeating; chronic dieting.
Contact Details:
+65 81397172
Singapore, Singapore
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Business Mentoring
- Busy Professionals
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
Alain Soubra
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Business Mentoring
- Busy Professionals
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- In Person
- Video/Skype Sessions
Alain is a Life Coach and a Business Coach, as well as a Psychology of Eating Coach. He has been developing his practice over the last 7 years and coaches people over Europe and the Middle East. Do not hesitate to contact him by email, he is always happy to help people lead a better and healthier life and thrive.
Contact Details:
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Exercise and Fitness
- Weight Loss
- Women
Alanna Sappe
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Exercise and Fitness
- Weight Loss
- Women
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Allow me (Alanna) to travel on your personal journey with you to discover the message that is hidden within. For every symptom, whether food or health related, provides vital information that a deeper core emotional distress is seeking your attention. As a team we will navigate through your life experiences to make connections in mind, body, and spirit. I will then supply recommendations to help authentically grow and expand. Sounds intimating, right? I completely understand. Much of my personal growth did not transpire until I began to work with an Eating Psychology Coach and she helped me achieve a more grounded state of well-being. On of the hardest steps for me was making the initial call. The same may be for you!
Contact Details:
(717) 480-0444
Marietta, Georgia, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Immunity
- Weight Loss
Aldona Trela
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Immunity
- Weight Loss
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Since my early years, I wanted to be a doctor to help people heal. Life took me on a different path but the urge to work with people in the healing realm always stayed with me. After being diagnosed with Hashimoto, an autoimmune condition, I started to search for answers to restore my own health. I became a Health Coach with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) where I received a solid, holistic overview of what constitutes health. Soon I realized that I had taken Hippocrates' words "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" too seriously and again I searched for answers. I found them at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating whilst becoming a Mind Body Eating Coach. I truly believe that health can be achieved by applying a holistic approach and by giving an equal amount of attention to the body, mind, spirit, and soul. Our body is wise and it is our best advisor. We only need to listen. I have been trained in many dietary approaches and stress release techniques. I learned how to release past issues, let go of limiting beliefs, and how to achieve balance and peace of mind by using various yogic techniques. I also know how important it is to have a support team around us on our journey towards complete health. Sometimes a conversation - being truly heard by another person - can make a considerable difference for us. I would be honored to be the guide on your side to help you get to where you want to go to feel healthy, happy, and whole again.
Contact Details:
The Hague, Zuid Holland, Netherlands (the)
Alejandra Cortés - Ale Cortes Coach
- Digestion
- Stress Management
- Women
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Ale Cortés, mother and wife, was born in Monterrey, Mexico. She is passionate about integral well-being, since 2014 she is a wellness and health coach by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Mostly known for her blog,, publishes a quarterly newsletter on social media such as Facebook (Ale Cortes @alecortescoach), Twitter (@alecortescoach), and Instagram (alecortescoach). In 2015, he worked on the creation of the program "Live a healthy lifestyle with Axtel", for the company Axtel S.A.B. de C.V. She has a Master's Degree in Wellness Coaching with a Concentration in Applied Nutrition from the International Health Coach University (2018). A Gut Health diploma by the IIN in 2018. A Hormone Health course by the IIN in 2017. Also since 2018, she is a wellness and health coach at the Zambrano Hellion Medical Center (TEC Salud). She has a Diploma from the Institute of Eating Psychology and is currently studying to obtain a life coaching certification by MMK (in process). In 2020 she will be completing the certification as a Functional Medicine Health Coach. Ale is creating her online courses to promote a healthy lifestyle as a way to return to its audience the knowledge acquired during all these years. Learn more about Alejandra by checking out her article on our Coaches' Blog here: In search for meaning and appreciation
Contact Details:
(214) 803-7874
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
Alejandra Del Busto - MC360
- Body Image
- Men
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
- Women
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
I am a Mind Body Eating Coach, certified by the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, specialized in helping people manage their struggles with food, body image and weight. I provide support with issues of stress management, compulsive eating and mind-body connection. I'm also an ICF ACC certified coach Specialized in Habit Changes. Three years ago I changed many of my nutrition habits, but I still felt that I was missing something, as if I was not completely balanced. My relationship with food still wasn't what I wanted it to be, and I realized that all my clients felt the same. To find that missing piece, I began to study the connection between the mind and the body. I became certified in Mindful Eating and a certified Mind Body Eating Coach in the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. My approach is based on non-judgmental self acceptance and achievement of personal goals. I am fluent in Spanish and French.
Contact Details:
Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Weight Loss
Alejandra Garcia - Ali Garcia
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Weight Loss
- In Person
- Video/Skype Sessions
Psychologist, Psychotherapist, and Eating Psychology Coach. English, French, and Spanish spoken.
Contact Details:
Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico
Alejandra Mugica
Hello! My name is Alejandra Mugica. I am a Mind Body Eating Coach and a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach. I help women who are tired of doing the same cookie-cutter diets and who are now ready to feel themselves in the skin that they're in. Together we'll find which foods work best for your body and we will get your body confidence poppin'! When you begin to feel good on the inside, you'll learn to feel great on the outside. It's your time to shine. Can't wait to help you get started!
Contact Details:
(510) 422-5618
Oakland, California, United States
Aleksandra Sekulic
Aleksandra is a dietitian with a strong belief that food is half of the story. Searching for another half brought her to the Institute for the Psychology of Eating where she realized what was the missing part of the nutrition canvas: there is no information that can replace the wisdom. Instead of searching for perfect diet plans and answers from the outside, she believes that for every person with a food challenge, the desirable goal is to connect with inner wisdom - the best guide through a confusing world of theories, information and facts.
Contact Details:
Belgrade, Serbia, Serbia
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
Alena Topcheeva - Foodmoodandme
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
- Video/Skype Sessions
Sometimes it can be so hard to take care of yourself. Our fast changing world demands every day too much success, speed and actions. For more than 10 years I'm helping women all over the world to feel relaxed into their life and body.
Contact Details:
Moscow, Russia, Russian Federation (the)
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Weight Loss
Alesha LaFleur - DawnSong Rising
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Weight Loss
- In Person
My passion for science and wellness spans a 20-year career, from the pharmaceutical industry to my current role as a Mindful Eating Coach. I understand first-hand the challenges of draining corporate environments, the chaotic blessings and exhaustion of being a mother of three, the uncomfortable symptoms of undiagnosed food allergies, and the shame and spiritual emptiness of self-destructive, addictive behaviors. I will partner with you using science-based techniques, mind-body nutrition, and dynamic eating psychology principles to create an individual approach that helps conquer weight and body image challenges, overeating, binging, troubled digestion, fatigue, mood issues, poor immunity, and stunted confidence. Are you ready to heal your relationship with food? Are you ready to learn to trust the strength and intelligence of your own body? If so, I would be honored to share this transformative journey with you and help you experience the serenity that comes from mindful and intentional living.
Contact Details:
(682) 351-3552
Fort Worth, Texas, United States