Discovering Beauty

Who would have thought just 6 months after I decided to take my love of Health Coaching to the next level by enrolling in the Institute for The Psychology of Eating’s certification course that I would be facing the biggest body image challenge of my entire life?

Ever since I can remember I have had an absolute love for all things health, fitness and longevity. This hobby increasingly became a part time job, though, because my own health was failing… fast. In my early 30s I had a mysterious major immune system crash. Since I have always gravitated toward finding the cause of illness and endeavoring to correct that, I staunchly pursued this tactic. After 5 years I found a few modalities that began to work for me, but the cause was still a mystery. I never felt quite right, but I was able to function.

Until it happened again. Worse. I couldn’t believe it. After suffering for another few years it hit me. I knew. After 17 years of ill health, with so much lost time and resources I knew what the main cause was. Breast Implants.

I had 2 sets. The first were saline. When the shelf life was up for those, I had them replaced with the newfangled cohesive gel silicone that can’t leak. Yet, both sets had been killing me. The saline, with its toxic silicone shell, was also leaking the whole time due to faulty valves, causing fungal and bacterial infections. The second were bleeding silicone into my body even though manufacturers deny this happens.

Now what? I never really developed breasts. Even prepubescent I couldn’t wait for my breasts to come in. I waited. And waited. And then I gave up waiting in my late 20’s. Here I was now 46 realizing I had to finally deal with the issue. Except worse. Explanting after 17 years does not leave behind a pretty picture. It would be like breast feeding twins for almost 2 decades straight…with scars. I cried for weeks as my explant surgery date came closer. I was devastated.

Devastation Becomes Strength

The wisdom I gained about body image from the Institute was so timely that it was my saving grace. One month before graduation by the time the surgery came around I had been given SO MUCH support by family, friends, Facebook groups, and peer coaches that I was bulletproof. I didn’t care what my breasts looked like anymore, I just wanted my health back. It was such a mental transformation that I still look in the mirror and sometimes don’t recognize who that strong woman is! I’m not going to say I “like” what I see physically in the mirror but it means less to me now because I LOVE “who” that woman is in the mirror. Since I have passed over that HUGE personal hurdle in my life I’m much better armed to help others. And for that I choose to be grateful.

Teri Lynn

Tenacious. Curious. Introspective.

I am the founder of LiveTru Health Strategy Coaching. I’ve been in the health and fitness field for over a decade, sharing my greatest passions. I was a recipe writer for the largest online raw food store, The Raw Food World, which allowed me to share my love of good nutritious meals with the world. Presently, my practice revolves around those interested in improving their nutrition, fitness, body composition, relationship with food and/or personal growth. Good health isn’t a 1-size-fits-all approach; there are many factors at play, including mind-body connections. My work reflects this by combining Dynamic Eating Psychology, mind body nutrition and practical lifestyle tactics to bring the body into a better state of homeostasis. I work one on one with clients, run group health challenges and am available for speaking engagements. For more information visit

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