My earliest memories reflect my desire to be IN my body. I was so connected to it in movement, feelings and desires. I felt strength, stability, security and love from within. It wasn’t until I reached my mid 20’s that the connection with my body began to weaken. Toxic beliefs and fears seeped in and I couldn’t shake them. They were shrouded in judgment and criticism. I didn’t understand why the connection was breaking…it was breaking my heart. I couldn’t get a handle on why something so rewarding and fulfilling could slowly slip away.
Through the journey of back pain, anxiety attacks, digestion issues, and fear of food I discovered that what is taken advantage of and what is not appreciated will slowly wither and die.
I loved being in the body, I loved the strength and power that it held. What I didn’t understand was the effect that stress would have on my body. So when I began having high levels of stress caused by toxic beliefs and fears the natural result for me was anxiety. This forced me to seek out meditative practices and ultimately help from not only a higher power but also a connection with a healer.
I always felt I could gut it out myself, you know; push my way through it alone. Once the anxiety led to fear of food, I knew I was in trouble and that life was telling me to find connection, rely on someone to share in this journey. Once I did that, my healing began.
Connection is so important to the soul’s growth. We are meant to connect and to share in one another’s journey. This was the “medicine” for me.
When I get disconnected from my body and begin operating from the head, it is a red flag waving in the wind for me. I know it is time for me to breathe, become aware of what is happening and drop into connection; spiritual connection, soulful connection and connection with others.
Stress is a huge proponent of out of body living. I see the people in this world running as fast as they can to get it all done, rushing their life and missing what is most important, the reason they are here; their purpose and sharing their gift. It seems such a waste to be blessed with something that is never used. When we are living OUT of the body, this is what happens. When we live IN the body we can share our selves with those we love and those we meet in life and make a powerful impact.
Create a ripple effect; get in to your body so you may help another get into theirs….it is infectious!
Ashly Torian
Encourager. Compassionate. Intentional.
With a love for fitness and healthy living, and a deep desire to inspire others to live a fulfilling life, Ashly, founder and owner of Bio-Balance, began her mind, body and food coaching business in 1991. Even with this love for health, it wasn’t always sunshine and roses for Ashly. Through personal challenges with anxiety, weight and body image issues, Ashly learned that by facing the fears these obstacles brought her, life had a way of unfolding unlimited possibilities. Ashly is an ACE certified personal fitness trainer, and an IDEA Elite personal fitness trainer. Ashly has trained at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, where she received her certification as an Eating Psychology Coach. Ashly guides and inspires her clients to make nourishing choices which, in turn, help them achieve their goals in life.