Shake It Off

Girl, you need to have…
if you had…then you would get…
why are you so…

Living with other people’s expectations of me did nothing more than short change me to who I needed to be.
Living with frustration, looking in the mirror, hoping and praying that if only… then I could…
Prayer changes things…is what was ringing in my ear. The other ear shouting…just be content where you are.

It seemed like a case of double mindedness really created instability. What voices, hearts, thoughts should I listen to? What name and person should I follow or bow down to?
Who or what could really rescue me and lead me to the narrow path.

Shaking it off… the pain, the voices that told me I needed something. The image that said that I needed more. The heart that told me there was lack.
As I breathed in and out through this training…learning that I was my own worst enemy, I started to wake up. For so long I carried the negative body image, the negative energy, and allowed others to manifest it out. The confidence I had in my self was more of self hatred and negative energy.

The more I learned to embody, to be present with myself, to enjoy eating with myself, to tell that lady in the mirror, “self, you are…”; the more I felt free, energized, determined, and focused on being the most authentic me.
Give yourself permission to value “you”.

Hicunni is a Certified Mind Body Eating Coach and mindful living podcaster. In addition, her training in mindfulness-based stress reduction practices and alternate therapies helps to assist entrepreneurs in reducing stress, adding more calm and self-awareness to improve their overall well-being. Hicunni is a blogger at

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