Lisa Glazebrook
At age 18 I was diagnosed with MS. With a grim prognosis, I was determined to once again prove mind over matter and start my journey to live the healthiest life possible. It hasn’t always been easy sifting through all the diet and exercise info available and deciding which info to believe.
In 2006 I decided to become educated and got my certification in fitness and nutrition coaching. I am always searching for further education and information which I believe can help. When I came across the Institute for the Psychology of Eating I knew their program would align with my values. My health and wellness centered lifestyle, optimistic personality and my commitment to manage stress is the key to my health and the core of my business. I have a true passion for meeting and helping others to lift their spirit through health and wellness practices, believing it is a whole mind/body/spirit journey.
I am a firm believer that we cannot always choose our health but by practicing lifestyle habits that raise our vibration we can change the way our body responds.
Simply Thrive
(780) 621-7863