Faraz Berjis

Hi, my name is Faraz Berjis. Welcome to Core Integrative Digestive wellness Inc.(CIDW). I have the opportunity now to work with adults , teens and children with digestive or weight related issues, autoimmune disorders, chronic disease, cancers, or anyone who just wants to maintain their well-being.

I empower, educate and ultimately guide my clients, to find their own wellness by helping them be their own best doctor (or healer) and discover the root cause of what keeps them stuck in their journey toward health. I believe true healing comes from within us all.

Through my experience as a gastroenterologist for 20 years, working with a variety of illnesses and symptoms and through dealing with the challenges of my own families illnesses, I realize that rather than focusing on symptom management, true healing is better achieved by holistically understanding the relationship between each person’s mental, physical and emotional health.

In my practice, I focus on three key areas that allow me to understand and be an advocate for your own health journey.

First, we have to discover the root cause of your imbalance. Together we will explore nutritional, emotional , environmental, lifestyle and genetic factors as all of these play role in well-being.

Second, we have to look at your gut health because all disease begins in the gut so we work together to discover tools and approaches that may help restore the microbiome and reduce inflammation in the body as microbiome imbalance and inflammation can influence the development and progression of illness or disease.

Lastly, we work together, to harmonize your body mind and spirit. I like to explore what wholeness and balance means to you and understand the role that physical, emotional, spiritual and mental factors can have an overall well-being. I believe, addressing and integrating past and present emotional traumas are essential for healing.

If you are exploring wellness, and you want to be seen as a whole person with individualized guidance, you can learn more about my practice at coredigestive.com

Core Integrative Digestive wellness Inc.(CIDW)