Astrid Beuermann
Full time Health Coach since 2016. I work with women between 25 and 45 years old. I have succesfully helped in weight loss, healthy eating, self love, include exercises in a daily basis, stress and time management, energy/fatigue, binge/overeating, My studies:
-2018/2019: Mind-Body Nutrition Coach (IPE-Institute for the Psychology of Eating)
-2018: Weight Loss for Women Course (Dr Libby, Australian Nutritional Biochemists, PHD)
-2018: Meditation and Mindfulness (Alquimia, Science of Mind)
-2016/2017: Health Coach (IIN-Institute for the Integrative Nutrition)
-2016: Personal and Fitness Trainer (NESTA-National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association)
-2009/2014: Industrial Engineeringl (Universidad de Lima)