Coach DirectoryCertified Eating Psychology
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Exercise and Fitness
- Stress Management
Stephanie Snow - Beauty Revolution
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Exercise and Fitness
- Stress Management
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Hi! I'm Stephanie. Like you, I spent many years trying to squeeze my way into the "box" that our culture calls "beauty". I finally realized there's so much more to life than fitting into that box, and that life outside it is much bigger and better than I could have ever imagined! Your purpose in this world is much more powerful than manipulating the shape of your body, and I am all about helping you discover what that is, through one-on-one coaching (online and in-person), group workshops, and presentations. I have the tools to help you change your relationship with food and body, to get out of your own way, and to be happier, more confident and courageous in achieving everything you want in life. Even if that is as simple as more fully engaging in and enjoying the life you already have. I am especially interested in helping moms nurture and cultivate positive body image in their daughters by healing their own. I'm a mom, a fitness junkie, and a connoisseur of chocolate. My body isn't perfect and neither is my life, but I'm passionate about sharing what I've learned in my journey to loving them both. I absolutely adore a good story. I would love to hear yours to this point, and have the chance to help you create the happy ending you want.
Contact Details:
(503) 442-8663
Tigard, Oregon, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Exercise and Fitness
- Weight Loss
- Women
Stephanie Spears
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Exercise and Fitness
- Weight Loss
- Women
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
A lifetime of struggle with food, weight, body image, and dieting is a stressful way to live. I know what it is like and I want to help you find peace and happiness.
Contact Details:
(361) 648-4229
Victoria, Texas, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Busy Professionals
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
Stephanie Warner - An Infinite Heart Nutrition and Lifestyle
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Busy Professionals
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Certified in Holistic Nutrition, Social Work, and Mind-body Nutrition, I specialize in supporting people to free themselves from a diet mentality and the scale that dictates their lives. I work with people to uncover their habits and patterns around food and dig deep into the emotional realm to create new and more effective coping mechanisms through self-love and balanced nutrition.
Contact Details:
(403) 477-7064
Airdrie, Alberta, Canada
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Stress Management
- Women
Stephanie Webb - Eat Happy Nutrition
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Stress Management
- Women
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Stephanie Webb is a holistic nutritionist and eating psychology coach who works with women - especially moms - to take the guilt and stress out of nutrition and health. Stephanie believes that food should be fun and that every woman deserves to feel great in her own skin - without ever going on a diet. Stephanie owns an online nutrition & wellness practice called Eat Happy Nutrition and loves being able to work from home while raising her three kids. She holds a bachelor's degree in English Literature and a master's degree in Holistic Nutrition.
Contact Details:
(702) 328-9906
San Antonio, Texas, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
Stepheny Antrobus - Brain Body Nourishment
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
- In Person
- Video/Skype Sessions
I am an Integrative Clinical Mental Health Counselor. I provide brain and gut health therapy solutions for optimal mental health, through Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy, Art Therapy, and Biochemical/Nutrition. I sought out integrative ways to approach and help heal mental health because of experiences I had while serving in the military. This lead me to the study of mental health nutrition. Since then I continually seek to incorporate evidence-based practices to support each client's unique healing and growing edge. As a therapist trained in Art Therapy and Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy, I provide individual and group opportunities for clients with a wide variety of challenges across the lifespan. The treatment that works for one person does not always work for another. That is why I'm here. To help you discern what your body needs and to support you on your path to greater wholeness, creativity, and joy. Offices in Thornton and Boulder, Colorado
Contact Details:
(720) 341-0927
Thornton, Colorado, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Exercise and Fitness
- Men
- Weight Loss
Steven Hunter - Personal(R)evolution
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Exercise and Fitness
- Men
- Weight Loss
- In Person
- Video/Skype Sessions
Why am I the right coach for you? As a younger man, I struggled with body image and dysfunctional eating. My own path to overcoming that sense of powerlessness led me to become a health coach and exercise specialist. During my two decades working in this field, I became intrigued by the invisible boundary that kept people from achieving their goals. I realised that the conscious efforts that my clients were making were not enough to overcome their eating-related problems. I felt inspired to understand the psychology of eating, and undertook training in the field. As an Eating Psychology Coach, I show my clients how understanding their eating habits is a doorway to self-discovery that opens onto a clear path to healing. I help them recognise their own obstacles to health and vitality, and provide strategies, tools, support and, most of all, my undivided attention, on their path to becoming the best they can be.
Contact Details:
+61 0413749494
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Busy Professionals
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
Stratos Laspas - Mind Body Nutrition
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Busy Professionals
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Stratos has been certified as a Mind-Body Nutrition & Eating Psychology Coach by the Institute for the Psychology of Eating (IPE), approved and supervised by the Colorado Department of Higher Education (USA). In IPE's internationally acclaimed program, he learned powerful, cutting-edge tools and protocols that enable him to work with weight issues, body image challenges, overeating, binge eating, and a variety of nutrition-related health concerns such as digestion, fatigue, mood, immunity, and more.
Contact Details:
Paleo Faliro, Attiki, Greece
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
- Women
Su Brampton - Stop Bingeing Now
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
- Women
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
I'm a straight-talking professional with over 30 years of experience in the health and wellness sector, holding active nursing, coaching, hypnotherapy , NLP and business qualifications - and I combine them uniquely to work with women who struggle with binge eating, body image and confidence issues, all of which are preventing you from reaching your true potential. Together we will discover ways of managing those issues that lead to bingeing - so you get your life back!
Contact Details:
Warminster, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Energy and Fatigue
- Menopause
- Weight Loss
Sue Bradley - Eating Psychology UK
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Energy and Fatigue
- Menopause
- Weight Loss
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Sue is the founder of Eating Psychology UK, and a 500RYT qualified yoga teacher, with more than 20 years' experience of teaching, training and coaching, and a Master's degree in Education. She is one of the first handful of people in the UK to qualify as a Certified Eating Psychology Coach. Sue has combined her knowledge of Mind-Body nutrition with 15 years of teaching in schools and being creative director for the British government's flagship creative education programme, Creative Partnerships. This gives her a unique perspective, and the ability to coach a wide variety of people from all walks of life. Helping people to change the way they eat has been a lifelong passion, and she is excited to help people realise how much power they actually have over their state of health through simple lifestyle choices, and to put pleasure back into their relationship with food.
Contact Details:
01273 252550
Brighton and London, United Kingdom
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Stress Management
- Women
Summer Lee - Everyday Solstice
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Stress Management
- Women
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Summer is a holistic nutritionist, mind body eating coach, and registered yoga teacher. Through her struggles with emotional eating, body image and anxiety, she has found healing through nutrition and holistic lifestyle practices. She now uses her passion for food, nutrition, and yoga to help others improve their relationship with food and body. She believes that small, sustainable, and mindful changes are the best way to find lasting success.
Contact Details:
(415) 858-9767
San Francisco, California, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Immunity
- Weight Loss
Susan Adell
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Immunity
- Weight Loss
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me. If you are looking for a truly empathetic and caring counselor, I would love to help you. In addition to my certification as an Eating Psychology Coach, I have a bachelor's degree in Psychology and Sociology from Fordham University as well as an MSEd in Counseling also from Fordham. For many years I worked as an educator and I love both counseling and teaching. Exploring health and nutrition has always been my passion and I am grateful to IPE for allowing me to more fully integrate all of these aspects of myself in order to help others. I am serious about health, wellness, food, sustenance, learning, and discovery in a natural and enjoyable way. I look forward to hearing from you!
Contact Details:
(516) 642-7768
Mineola, New York, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Busy Professionals
- Exercise and Fitness
- Vegetarian/Vegan Health
- Weight Loss
- Women
Susan Azzara
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Busy Professionals
- Exercise and Fitness
- Vegetarian/Vegan Health
- Weight Loss
- Women
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Helping Women Overcome Emotional/Binge Eating, Quit Dieting & Live Healthy, Happy, More Confident Lives.
Contact Details:
(914) 843-4636
Yonkers, New York, United States
- Energy and Fatigue
- Menopause
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
Susan Beckman Reagan - Defining Nutrition
- Energy and Fatigue
- Menopause
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Susan Beckman Reagan earned a Master of Arts degree with doctoral studies from The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Following graduate school, she worked ten years for a Fortune 500 company in the healthcare field. Pursuing her passion for health and nutrition, she studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and became a Certified Health Coach. In addition, Susan is certified by the International Association for Health Coaches, earning the designation of Certified International Health Coach. She is also a Certified Nutritionist, board certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and has earned a certificate in plant-based nutrition from Cornell University. Susan is among the first health coaches in the country to pass the Medical Board of Examiners/ International Consortium of Health & Wellness Coaching exam, earning her the designation of NBC-HWC. Recognizing her primary interest in mind-body nutrition, Susan attended and graduated from The Institute for the Psychology of Eating, where she studied with Marc David, a world-renowned master nutritionist/psychologist. She is certified by the Institute as an Eating Psychology Coach and has completed advanced training as an Eating Psychology Teacher. Susan is one of thirteen Eating Psychology coaches worldwide who have earned this special designation. Susan has a practice offering an integrative approach to nutrition and health coaching. Working with clients from all over the United States, as well as internationally, Susan's approach recognizes the unique needs and bio-individuality of each client. Her training, expertise and supportive coaching help her clients reach their personal goals. Areas of expertise: emotional eating, overeating, chronic dieting, digestive challenges, and body image issues. In addition, Susan maintains a continuing relationship with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition by coaching and mentoring current IIN students as part of their professional training program (2010 - present). Susan lives in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and enjoys spending time with her family, travel, and yoga (Registered Yoga Teacher since 2000).
Contact Details:
(301) 469-6365
Potomac, Maryland, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Exercise and Fitness
Susan D’Addario - The HealthShrink
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Exercise and Fitness
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
LCSW 20+ years - Eating Psychology Coach - Heartmath Coach. If you're feeling dejected, frustrated, and hopeless about yourself and your body, I'm here to listen and to offer meaningful, rewarding options and strategies for growth and change. Developing a new and healthy relationship with yourself, eating, food, and your body is a process that incorporates kindness, self-awareness, slowing down, and love. Starving yourself and over-exercising is at best a very temporary solution to changing your body size. The results usually are short-term. And, when the weight is regained, you can feel even more hopeless, hurt, and lost. Finding your real-self and experimenting with love and kindness offer a much better chance for life-long change in self-esteem, self-love, and body re-shaping. We can talk about food, eating, nutrition, nourishment, body movement, body image, etc. We will also look at you, your family history, your current life, pleasures, frustrations, accomplishments, and disappointments. People are complex. We all have our unique histories and life experiences. Consequently, our work together will be comprehensive and look at the big picture of you. If you'd like to learn more, contact me for a free 20-minute telephone consult. During that call we can see if how I work and what I have to offer is a match for you and your needs. No strings attached!
Contact Details:
(212) 974-0935
New York, New York, United States
Susan Dowdall - Think Act You Win Ltd
I come from a happy family, maybe of lesser means, but profoundly supportive and spiritual. As children and young adults we were taught life values and were channeled. From childhood to my mid fifties I was very successful in the equestrian world - both competing and teaching. The latter always being my preference. My working life started in retail and progressed to office work and onto creating and owning my own business - based around helping other companies market themselves. So most of my life has been afforded to others furthering themselves either personally or professionally. Along the way I have studied intensively personal development. Plus I am a self confessed health / nutrition / fitness advocate, promoter and teacher. My passion / mission now is to counsel and heal where ever possible and help influence and educate those people to better, healthier ways of living.
Contact Details:
+64 0274525363
Balclutha, Otago, New Zealand
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
Susan Gerrish - Mind Body Weight
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
For many women, when we think about who we want to be in the world, we answer "thinner." This is the result of being saturated by a diet culture. A culture that tells us we are not "good enough." Somewhere along the way we begin to manage our pain with food. We become disconnected and food becomes our buddy even if we have a significant partnership, children and a thriving career. It is not easy to leave this spiral of using food to monitor emotions. Science has failed us in the weight loss department with a calorie in, calorie out belief system as the path to our relationship with food. For many years I was an expert at binge eating, and I know how it feels to be lost in the next bite, to feel sick from overeating and not be able to stop, to feel humiliated because you can't access your true feelings. Trust me there is a way out and that way is going inward. The liberation from food as an emotional crutch will enable you to view life through an entirely different lens; one that will help you to love yourself and others more deeply, discover your dreams and enhance your energy. Let me tell you a little about my educational background, so you feel comfortable that I have the experience, skills and knowledge to help you move the needle from food as a hiding place to food as a nourishing place. I received my master's degree from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology with a specialization in the psychology of mind body wellness. I accented my education in the mind body paradigm with yoga teacher training in the tantra tradition. I continued my education in an intensive coach/counseling certification in psychology of eating, focusing on unwanted eating habits as a symptom of a larger life question. I will lead you on a fascinating journey of who you are as an eater to unearth who you are as a human being. I believe in your wholeness and your right to live a healthy empowered life full of love.
Contact Details:
(305) 333-4703
Coral Gables, Florida, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Immunity
Susana Gonzalez Vilanova
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Immunity
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
I have an M.A. in Social-Community Psychology, and certifications in Reiki and as an Eating Psychology Coach. I am bilingual (Spanish/English). Seeking better holistic health outcomes has been one of my lifelong motivations. In response to stressful personal events including my mother’s health issues, and my recurring digestive problems, I decided to change my eating habits for the better and be a positive influence for change for my family, through understanding of better health habits. I decided to become certified as an eating psychology coach to learn and guide you in your journey for better health.
Contact Details:
(787) 344-5474
Carolina, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
Susan Hannigan -
I have been a coach with a private practice for over 10 years working with clients worldwide. I got certified as Eating Psychology Coach because I was just sick of how most of us relate to food,bodies and self image. I was sick of how I relate to this stuff. So I went about to change it. And I have . Know you have an understanding friend in me. Everything you have done I have too. We can change this!
Contact Details:
(845) 750-0925
New York, New York, United States
- Body Image
- Busy Professionals
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
Susan Horning - Rocky Mountain Alternative Health LLC
- Body Image
- Busy Professionals
- Energy and Fatigue
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
After years of struggling from adrenal fatigue, chronic insomnia, and body image I am empowered with the knowledge to heal myself on so many levels. Using a combination of Ayurveda techniques, my IPE Certification, and Strategic Intervention training I now am excited to show others how to realize their own power. This combination of balancing mind, body and spirit allows individuals to see themselves in a whole new light.
Contact Details:
(970) 618-0955
Glenwood Springs, Colorado, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Immunity
Susan Joy RN
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- Immunity
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Overweight since childhood, reaching a high of 297 pounds, it took developing Type 2 Diabetes for me to "hit bottom" and finally take charge of my binge eating behaviors. Diet results came quickly but I was never able to hold onto my success until I understood I needed to learn how to fully nourish "all of me" not just my body. Today, at age 60, I've lost 80 pounds successfully keeping it off for over 3 years and my Diabetes is managed without medications. My life's passion is to help people find peace especially where food, self, and body brilliance is concerned. My expertise includes 40 years as a nursing veteran, 3 years as a holistic nutrition coach, and certification as a Mind Body Eating Coach in addition to my own personal success. I stand ready to support you in finding peace and success in your own life.
Contact Details:
(480) 621-7650
Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Business Mentoring
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
Susan Milligan - AHHH Lifestyle LLC
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Business Mentoring
- Digestion
- Energy and Fatigue
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
My first diet began when I was 16 years old. It then turned into yo-yo dieting, binge eating, overeating, and digestive issues. In my quest to find answers over the many years, I have studied and implemented alternative health, nutrition, personal development, psychology, and spiritual development into my life. I am passionate about helping my clients to evolve toward a loving, authentic, healthier, and happier version of themselves however that looks for them. In addition to being a Certified Eating Psychology Practitioner, I am a Certified Health Coach, Ordained Minister, Author, and have done in-depth work with Heart Mastery from the Institute of HeartMath. As an entrepreneur who loves helping other entrepreneurs manifest their visions, I am also a Business Consultant helping all types of coaches establish a new coaching business or evolve an existing practice. I look forward to connecting and working with you on your transformational journey.
Contact Details:
(928) 554-4442
Sedona, Arizona, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Energy and Fatigue
- Immunity
- Weight Loss
Susan Ricci
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Energy and Fatigue
- Immunity
- Weight Loss
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Having a healthy body and feeling good about your body is so much more than "eating less and exercising more." Because there is so much more to you! Who you are as an eater-- your feelings, beliefs, thoughts, stresses, relaxation and more all influence your health, your metabolism, your digestion. There is so much conflicting information out there, and as we work together, you will learn to be free from all the hype, the confusion and overload. As a Certified Eating Psychology Coach, I am committed to help others to break free from the restraints that eating challenges can bring to daily life. I so look forward to our work together.
Contact Details:
(912) 506-3006
Brunswick, Georgia, United States
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
- Women
Susan Taheri - Mind Body Soul Eating Psychology
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Body Image
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
- Women
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
I've struggled with overeating and binge eating since I was a child and subscribed to the 'belief' that I need to be slim to be loved and accepted in the world. That has all changed with the discovery of eating psychology and the joy of learning to love myself as I am; of becoming the person I didn't know I could be. If I can do it, so can you! Learn more about Susan by checking out her article on our Coaches' Blog here: Honest Open Willing
Contact Details:
0044 7985 798703
EdinburghMidlothian, United Kingdom,
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Digestion
- Menopause
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
Susan Taylor - SusanTaylor Nutrition - Reinvent Your Relationship
- Binge Eating/Overeating
- Digestion
- Menopause
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss
- In Person
- Phone Sessions
- Video/Skype Sessions
Love is Susan's greatest asset in working with her clients. It is intrinsic to her personality --- she is the type of person to whom the grocery store clerk pours her heart out while putting food in the bag! Our back stories reflect in who we are right now both physically, psychologically, and emotionally. With loving support & insight, healing happens on a deep level. Susan received her initial training at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and is certified by the AADP, The MacDonald Center for Obesity Prevention & Education at Villanova University, and the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. She has four years of integrative nutrition experience under AnnaLisa Pastore, M.D., and has been in practice since 2010. Susan holds a B.S. in Psychology from St. Lawrence University and an M.B.A. from New York University.
Contact Details:
(201) 638-8493
Wyckoff, New Jersey, United States