Sandy Baker
Sandy Baker has a BA in Christian Psychology as well as twelve years counseling experience under an ecclesiastical license. Sandy is a certified Eating Psychology coach, a certified L.E.A.N. (Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, Nutrition) Health Coach and a certified BSCI (Bariatric Support Centers Int’l) instructor and Weight Loss Support Coach. She appeared on the ‘Ruby’ show (Style network) in 2009, teaching Ruby and her support group about emotional eating.
Sandy well knows the steps needed to conquer dysfunctional food behaviors, having maintained a 120 + pound weight loss since 2005. As a result of her weight and food battles, she founded COPE For Change – Childhood Obesity Prevention + Education – to help children like she was overcome weight challenges. COPE combats childhood obesity with a threefold approach – nutrition education, fitness, and behavioral health. Sandy’s enthusiastic and positive approach to life brings hope to those desperate for change.
COPE for Change, Inc
(912) 247-2086