Samantha Eaton

Samantha is a Certified Nutritional Health Coach (IIN, IPE) who specializes in helping fed up dieters who are DONE struggling with food and being unhappy with their body. She is so passionate about helping clients go from feeling discouraged and stressed out, to feeling happy and confident with their body, eating habits, and health because she’s been in your shoes. She spent many years trying to change how her body looked, obsessing and second-guessing over what/when/how much to eat, always being on track or off track with her eating habits, battling sugar/carb cravings with willpower and ultimately bingeing, and feeling hopeless. If you can relate, know that there’s a better, easier and more enjoyable way to get what you want out of life. You can look great AND feel great…without depriving yourself or feeling miserable. You really can have it all-and sooner than you might think. It’s time to call a truce, and that truce starts right here.

Healthy Eaton
(413) 244-2317