Rosi Miremberg
I am Rosi Miremberg, a passionate Mind Body Health Coach who empowers people to live their best and healthier possible life. I guide my clients to reach their best version by having a positive connection with food, body, relationships, nature, and spirituality
Those who know me and those who have not met me yet will realize that I am passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and sharing what I know. I am a person who “walks the talk” and I am always looking to know more and to try new things.
I firmly believe that we are what we eat and having responsible and sustainable nutrition is essential for our well-being and for our environment.
I am passionate about well-being, living fully, and, above all, being grateful for being part of this planet. I believe that gratitude is a means to find happiness in our lives.
I end with the phrase “where there is a will there is a way” and that the changes towards a healthier life begin with us.
Rosi Mind Body Health Coach
+506 83450042