Phyllis Guy

Phyllis Guy is a graduate from the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and is certified as a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach, a 21 Day Sugar Detox Coach, and as a personal trainer since 2002. Phyllis decided to become a Mind-Body Nutrition coach because it pained her to watch people try diet program after diet program and lose the weight only to gain it back and more. Her approach is to deliver strategies and systems, to help her clients develop skills that empower them in their own kitchen. Clients walk away with a better understanding of their relationship with food, a specific action plan, feeling confident, empowered and in control, and with an understanding of how to develop a nourishing relationship with their body and food. Women come to her from all over the country. Her passions include ballroom dancing, hiking and CrossFit.

Natural Body Wisdom
(303) 358-2045