Pam Christopherson

Pam Christopherson, MA, is a trainer, coach and spiritual practitioner who loves empowering others to live healthy, happy and joyful lives. Her own health challenges led her on a personal journey to make positive choices toward a healthier lifestyle. As she has experienced significant benefits by committing to a plant based diet, she has shown the way for other people wanting to make significant changes to their life.

Passionate about reaching out to others and empowering them on their own personal journeys, Pam and her husband, Jim, founded Upbeat, Naturally ( Together, their goals are to inspire others to live both healthy and positive lives. As a Certified Health Coach in Eating Psychology, Pam is focused on empowering others to listen their own bodies and making more loving choices for themselves through healthy eating, enjoyable exercise, expressing gratitude, and living one’s passion.

Upbeat, Naturally
(720) 504-5370