Pam Bailey
Did the real you got lost while you were putting everyone else first? That’s how I felt when I was widowed in 2010. Slowly I began an amazing journey of self discovery plus formal study. My experience of that journey allows me to help other women find themselves. In 2016 I found the Body Image Movement & so inspired, I applied to become a Global Ambassador. When I saw the “Embrace” documentary I realised that it was time to stop being ashamed of my body. What I have to share with others is far more important than what I look like. Working with Body Image includes Self Care, Stress Management & Eating Concerns. Through coaching, workshops, and retreats, I help women Embrace Who They Are & Who They Can Become. Please don’t wait for a major trauma to change your life – You can find yourself right now!
Learn more about Karen Heffron by checking out her article on our Coaches’ Blog here:
My Story
Embrace All of You