Michaela Pavlikova
My name is Michaela Pavlikova and I’ve worked as an Eating Psychology Coach since 2015. Shortly after completing the training, I got involved in the publishing of Marc David´s Slow Down Diet as a translator of the first Czech version of this book. I like to call myself a “guide” in our relationship to food and body. I work primarily with women around the issues of weight loss, chronic dieting, body image, binge eating, overeating, digestive issues, orthorexia etc. The focus of my work is on individual sessions, but I also like to give lectures on the body-mind connection and I conduct group workshops, too. Both of these all over the country. I am quite a prolific writer, so you can find many of my articles (and also translations of foreign articles) on my website. I am able to help clients who are fluent in Czech or English. I will happily get in touch with you!
Cesta Skrz
00420 777 908 272