Lorraine Bordiuk

Lorraine is founder of Hue-man Nature, offering workshops, personal day retreats, and connection to nature at her country property. She uses her psycho-spiritual toolbox to find creative and colourful ways to assist you on your journey to self discovery. Lorraine has studied Spiritual Psychotherapy at the Transformational Arts College, and IPE, where she is a Certified Eating Psychology Coach. Lorraine is a registered Aura-Soma Practitioner who uses colour to help clients connect to self for awareness and wellbeing. She is a intuitive Soul Artist, who assists clients with Soul Art facilitation. Lorraine is also a Reiki Master, and offers energy sessions using vibrational arts, colour and scent. Lorraine enjoys gardening, yoga, cooking, kayaking, and animals. She is also a mother of three teenagers.
Hue-man Nature Inc.
(519) 943-0004