Leah Hoerger


Leah set out into the world of health and healing through food in her early 20s, after suffering from disordered eating and digestive distress for 10 years. She became a nutritionist and experimented with many diets including vegan, paleo, raw, vegetarian, pescetarian, whole30, calorie counting, plant-based, and carnivore. It wasn’t until she learned to work with her emotions and nervous system that she was able to find comfort in her body and feel free from the mental prison of food obsession.

She is now passionate about helping others find relief from digestive distress and disordered eating, drawing from her own experience and many years of study.

She loves reading books, yoga, CrossFit, rockclimbing, trying to convince her Shiba that cuddling is amazing, traveling, and eating delicious food.

She works primarily with women in their 20s and 30s, both online and in person.

1 (250) 505-7583