Kelci Cannady
Ever since I can remember I’ve been drawn to the healing and health care professions. I’ve overcome many challenges in my own inner and outer world, and I have always been driven to support the wellbeing of others as well. I take the reflections and strengths from my own experiences to work with others, in particular I guide them to realize their own wholeness despite what they might be growing through at that time in their lives.
I’ve learned that true healing doesn’t – and never will – come from the positivity bandaid; a stifling and silencing of the symptoms.
True deep change work on our health is never quite as effective without taking into the equation the other aspects of our lives that makes us who we are. It’s fascinating to discover just how much our physical health and ailments are a reflection of our inner world.
In 2014 I launched my business in the world of fitness and nutrition, and since then have been led by my passions to expand into wellness in both physical and mental/emotional health. Healing and wholeness through mind, body and soul; the body being the main key or vessel to the rest. My clients and I do work that honours the whole 360.
It’s absolutely work after my own heart.
Force of Living
(403) 915-1179