Dorothee Rund

Dorothee Rund is a German Eating Psychology Coach, Biologist and Artist. She is specialized in Skin-, Gut- & Brain health and works with highly sensitive persons who also suffer from allergies, mast cell- & autoimmune disorders, mood- & cognitive problems and fatigue. Having suffered from all these conditions for herself for 25 years and having found a way to heal herself and get off of all her medications, she now wants to support others on their journey with long lasting results. She works with stress management, healing childhood wounds, individualized nutrition, easy lifestyle optimizations, mindset- and habit shifts. For this she uses the best of Biology & Psychology with a bit of Biohacking and much Creativity, Patience and Love.

Learn more about Dorothee by checking out her article on our Coaches’ Blog here:At Home in My Own Skin

Philosophie des Gesundwerdens