Audrey Zona

Audrey is an integrative health and nutrition coach specializing in the psychology of eating. Her mission is clear: to educate, inspire and empower YOU to become your most beautiful self from the inside out. From a very early age, Audrey was overweight. At ten years of age, she attended her first diet camp and spent the following three summers there, losing weight and learning how to make better food choices. As an adult, her passion for the healthy body/healthy mind connection never waned. She mentors her clients to make educated food & nutritional choices, as she creates a personalized roadmap that encourages a healthy relationship with food and a balanced program of nutrition, health, and fitness, Tap into her wealth of knowledge and resources and join Audrey as she shares her passion for clean eating, cooking, and a positive body image. Let Audrey’s enthusiasm for and dedication to positive personal breakthroughs inspire your journey and take you to new levels of health and wellness. In addition to personal coaching, Audrey hosts both large and small wellness seminars throughout the year. Please visit her website for current seminars and events.

Zo Healthy with Audrey Zona
(201) 264-5968