Annalissa Vicencio
As the founder of Whole Health Power, I empower busy professionals to transform their relationship with food and body toward holistic health. I am an alumnus of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and NCADD. I am also a practicing Music Therapist-Board Certified (MT-BC), and Licensed Creative Arts Therapist (LCAT) in New York. I received a BA in Neuroscience from Manhattanville College and a MA in Music Therapy from New York University.
In addition to my coaching, clinical, musical, and scientific background, I have LIVED experience in recovery from PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, depression, trauma, overworking, eating disorders, and the reversal of type-2 diabetes. In light of theologian Frederick Buechner’s sentiments on vocation, I empower sustainable lifestyle changes of mind, body, and spirit, as that is at the intersection of where my “deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet”. I look forward to working with you!
Coach Annie
Whole Health Power