Amber Arrington

Amber Arrington is a health and lifestyle coach specializing in helping men and women create healthy habits that support their values, promote wellness, and increase their quality of life. As a result of the strategic and simple steps in her coaching practice to help her clients live an organized and zestful life, they usually experience both physical and mental weight loss, gain leadership skills, and increase their confidence and emotional intelligence. Amber has a creative coaching style that makes clients feel comfortable and daring, while overcoming negative thoughts and ideology related to poor body image, low quality foods, and minimal movement. In addition to being a Mind Body Eating/Eating Psychology Coach, Amber has a Master of Public Health in Health Behavior and Promotion, is a Certified Health Education Specialist, and Zumba Fitness Instructor. She helps her clients feel great, lose weight, and break a sweat.

Amber Arrington, Health & Lifestyle Coach
(317) 932-0420