Nikos Chatzilias

I started off walking my personal evolution path when I was first diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. Upon hearing the news I had what I call an instant “immunity response” towards receiving regular treatment and an early insight that nutrition, movement, awareness, natural healing and psychotherapy are all connected and necessary elements of my way towards improving my understanding of my condition and my overall health.

The past 12 years I came across and have experimented on myself and practiced with others the vegeterian and fasting nutritional approaches, energy healing (Reiki, Pranic healing & Sutratma), body work and movement (Aikido, Yoga and Qi Cong) and various other tools for diagnosis and complementary healing to my main healing tools (Astrological Natal Chart reading, Non-Violent Communication, Aromatherapy & Thai Massage). Over the years I have developed my own personal fusion of those techniques to respond to each individual and life condition accordingly.