Merna Reeves

I am passionate about empowering women to reconnect with their body’s wisdom. For most of my life, I felt like I was broken. From a young age, I struggled with asthma and allergic reactions, and as I got older food allergies, digestive issues, and an autoimmune disease. Along with my health challenges, I had a poor body image and low self-esteem. Like most women in our culture, I grew up believing that my value came from my weight and appearance. I got a degree in Nutrition believing that I could heal myself if I could eat the perfect diet. I became exhausted searching for answers until I finally realized that it was the belief that I was broken that was at the root of all my problems. My constant self-attack and self-rejection were fueling my symptoms. Once I began to listen to and lean into my symptoms (rather than fighting them), began to trust my body, and worked on healing myself emotionally, I finally felt freedom and peace. I want to empower you to do the same. Call or email me for a free 15 minute consultation.
(916) 605-6298