Marina Borawick

After experiencing a rare autoimmune disease in my twenties while in grad school, I embarked on a decades-long journey to study and understand the deep (and sometimes not-so-deep) causes of disease, stress and personal dissatisfaction. Marc David’s Institute for the Psychology of Eating and its insightful holistic approach to Mind Body Nutrition filled in the gaps that remained following years of psychotherapy, 12 step programs and extensive personal health research. The Institute’s innovative strategies for addressing weight, digestion, chronic dieting, fatigue and other issues provide powerful tools for navigating these and other life challenges.

As a practicing lawyer in Los Angeles for over 30 years, a survivor of childhood trauma and sexual abuse, three serious auto-immune conditions and teenage anorexia, I offer the wisdom and healing insights I’ve learned along the way, highlighted by the coaching tools and remarkable intelligence of the professional certification program of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating.

Whether its stress, eating/digestive issues or malaise that’s the problem, relief and peace of mind and body are available–and often discovered where you’d least expect them.

Marina Borawick Consultant
(310) 980-8883