Danielle Macleod

Are you a hard working woman achieving so much in life and yet forever longing for the perfect body and relationship with food?

I combine 15+ years of corporate leadership, coaching and mentoring with the unique approaches of Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition to help you uncover your own ways to be at peace with yourself and live your life to your full potential.

Imagine being free of the self talk and the eating habits that make you think no matter what you do, you’re never good enough without that number on the scale.

Whether it’s nutrition, self acceptance, body image, energy, over-eating, weight loss, I PROMISE you there are ways forward!
I’ve been there, I know it’s exhausting. You can have something different. Truly.

Let’s talk.

Learn more about Danielle by checking out her article(S) on our Coaches’ Blog here:
Letting go when you’re still clinging on

Somebody Inside
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