Joy Bunny Returns

I am a Joy Bunny, similar to a Fun Fairy, sprinkling joy to all those who are willing to receive. Even though I was born this way, I became lost in the briar patch of life because of challenging events or comments from others. Others’ opinions of me filled my head, and my self-talk became negative and I questioned my worthiness.

In addition, as a wife and a stay at home mom, I believed that my job was hopping around to fulfill everyone’s needs before mine. At times this brought great enjoyment and pride. Yet, sometimes I would resent that everyone was having fun and getting what he or she wanted, but not me. I had forgotten to treat myself as I would others.

Then one day while my son was napping, I turned on the television and John Gray was on PBS. I watched his show. My ears perked up and my intuition told me to listen. When he spoke about loving and nourishing yourself enough to remember to fill your own love bucket, so you can have love to share with others, this was an important message for my mind, body and soul. The timing was right and I was willing to hear and process this important suggestion. My self-love instinct was reactivated and I began taking self-improvement classes and began to heal.

Part of my healing was making myself a priority. This was not easy and is a process that I still work on today. But just like any skill, the more you do it, the stronger it gets. I started by taking naps while my husband watched my son. That felt good, and after a while, I began to take classes that varied in subject matter from gluten free cooking to Reiki.

I was acknowledging my desire to create in the kitchen and my interest in understanding energy, yet I was still restless and hopping around with reduced joy. Something was still missing. As I read books by Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Carol Tuttle and Sunny Dawn Johnston, I discovered the missing item was positive self-talk, which is one important part of self-care and self-love. I began to notice what I was saying to myself. As I improved the way I treated myself, including how I spoke, my spiritual growth was activated. I learned that the more I loved myself, the more powerful, calm, happy and satisfied I was. For through the gift of making my self-love and self-care a priority, I returned to my Joy Bunny nature.

My wish for you is for you to love yourself enough to make your self-care a priority.

Sending everyone who reads this love, light, and laughter.

Vicky Mitchell

Joyful. Intuitive. Compassionate.

Vicky Mitchell is a intuitive holistic health coach with certifications from The Institute for the Psychology of Eating and The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. She is also a speaker and published author. Some of her life lessons have been learning difficulties, eczema, allergies, fertility challenges, weight fluctuations, and cataracts. Using the right food, attitude, and energy as medicine, Vicky has found a passion for health and helping others and coaches you to identify, achieve and maintain your wellness goals. She would be honored to guide you in reaching your wellness goals.

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